Test Your Knowledge About Communication System Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 652 | Recent Updated: 01-Mar-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Communication means to exchange information. But this information may not be useful until the exchange of this information. Earlier it used to take a lot of time to send information or message from one place to another. But presently the exchange of messages has become very easy and time seems too short. Satellite and television have turned the whole world into a city. We have our voice and language in the most powerful medium of communication and as its carrier, we have letters, telephone, fax, telegram, mobile, and internet, etc. The purpose of communication is the exchange of messages and ideas. The entire human civilization is based on this communication and information technology was born to make this communication fast and easy. Computer, mobile, internet were all invented for this communication. Let's know more about Communication System quiz questions and answers.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following mode of communication is/are not employed for the transmission of T.V. signals?

A. Sky wave propagation

B. Ground wave propagation

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

2. Which is the length of the quarter-wave antenna for transmission frequency of 20 MHz?

A. 7.2 m

B. 3.75 m

C. 2.22 m

D. All of the above

3. Modulation is the process of superposing of ------------.

A. low frequency message signal on high frequency waves

B. low frequency radio signal on high frequency audio waves

C. Modulation is the process of superposing

D. None of these

4. If both the length of an antenna and the wavelength of the signal to be transmitted are doubled, What is the power radiated by the antenna?

A. Remains Constant

B. Increases 4 times

C. Increases 8 times

D. None of these

5. A message signal of frequency (ωm) is superposed on a carrier wave of frequency (ωc) to get an amplitude modulated wave (AM). The frequency of the AM wave will be what?

A. ωc

B. ωm

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

6. Which one conditions must be fulfilled in a good digital communication system?

A. Low transmit power

B. High fidelity

C. High data rate

D. All of the above

7. Wired channels are which type of channel?

A. Lossless

B. Lossy

C. Lossy & Lossless

D. All of the above

8. The equivalent temperature in a receiver design. It must be always kept...

A. Low

B. High

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

9. Which are the main features of a transmitter?

A. Directional antennas

B. Linear power amplifier

C. Higher clock speed

D. All of the above

10. Transmission media used for medium frequency band are which type of cable?

A. Optical fiber

B. Copper cable

C. Coaxial cable

D. None of these

11. Matched filter technique is used to which type of demodulation process?

A. Increase SNR

B. SNR is not affected

C. Decrease SNR

D. All of the above

12. Which are the main features of a receiver?

A. Synchronization & Multiple parallel receiver chain

B. Multiple parallel receiver chain

C. Both of the above

D. None of these


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