You might have knowledge about Animals. Animals are living things. Like plants, animals need food, air, and water to live. Unlike plants, which can make their own food, animals can feed themselves only by eating plants or other animals. Animals can also sense what goes on around them. There are many animals in this world. One of them is Goat, which is a domestic animal. It is one of the oldest domesticated species of animal. Goats have been used for milk, meat, fur, and skins across much of the world. Milk from goats is often turned into goat cheese. To check your knowledge on the same topic, try out this trivia quiz!
1. When were the goats herded initially?
A. 6100 years ago
B. 7200 years ago
C. 8500 years ago
D. 9000 years ago
2. What is the most consumed food all over the world?
A. Goat biryani
B. Goat lunge
C. Goat meat
D. All of these
3. The lifespan of goats ar4e similar to that of ____.
A. Cows
B. Dogs
C. Elephants
D. Frogs
4. What is the gestation period of goats?
A. 5 months
B. 3 months
C. 2 months
D. 8 months
5. What is the rate of kids in goats?
A. 3.7 kids per year
B. 2.0 kids per year
C. 1.3 kids per year
D. 2.2 kids per year
6. When can baby goats stand and learn things?
A. Two months after they are born
B. A second after they are born
C. A minute after they are born
D. An year after they are born
7. What is the shape of goat's pupil?
A. Square
B. Rectangular
C. Circle
D. Oval
8. How many stomachs a goat has?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Five
D. Eight
9. Which type of animals are goat?
A. Forest animals
B. Beach animals
C. Desert animals
D. Mountains animals
10. What difficulty do goats often feel?
A. Lurking
B. Acidity
C. Depression
D. Migraine
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