Music has been proven by several health professionals to be the best therapy for all our problems, and we are all aware of this fact. Music is helpful for everyone and we can never forget how music bands and artists put forth their best efforts, so when we complement music to the best, no one can forget how music has improved our lives. The Beatles are a popular and beloved band with music and talented members that are loved by everyone. Has the thought ever crossed your mind what if you are really a fan of this group? If that is the case, then you'll know a great deal about them! Would you be interested in checking the same? If you think you can do well in this trivia quiz, try it out.
1. When did the group start working?
A. 1943
B. 1965
C. 1980
D. 1960
2. Where did the band have its origin?
A. Africa
B. Australia
C. England
D. China
3. Who was the first member to leave the group first?
A. Romeo
B. Ringo Starr
C. Daniel Drite
D. Grey Freddy
4. When did the group end?
A. 1970
B. 1964
C. 1990
D. 1900
5. How many members were there in the group?
A. 2
B. 9
C. 8
D. 5
6. Who was the primary songwriter?
A. Lenon
B. McCartney
C. Both of them
D. None of these
7. Who is in the core trio of the band?
A. Lennon, McCartney and George
B. Lennon, McCartney and Harrison
C. Lennon, McCartney and Ringo
D. Lennon, George and Harrison
8. Who was the previous drummer of the beatles?
A. Pete Best
B. Harrison
C. McCartney
D. Lionel
9. Who was the manager of the band?
A. Donna
B. Louis Litt
C. Harvey Specter
D. Brian Epstein
10. Who was the producer of the Beatles?
A. Mike Ross
B. Jessica Pearson
C. George Martin
D. Andy Malik
11. What was the first hit of Beatles?
A. Baby
B. Love Me Do
C. Friday
D. Dance Up
12. When did the Beatles record ten songs during a single studio session for their debut LP
A. 11 February 1963
B. 6 November, 1963
C. 14 June, 1963
D. 25 September, 1963
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