The American Space Research Organization 'NASA' has launched a satellite called 'ICON' to explore the mysterious, dynamic region of the "Ionosphere" which is the meeting point of air and space. This refrigerator-shaped satellite will study the optical components of air produced by gases present in the ionosphere and will also measure the charged atmosphere around the spacecraft, which is 580 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This satellite will help determine the physics of Earth's space environment and will also pave the way to reduce its effects on our technology, communication systems, and society. The study of the ionosphere will help to find out how the upper atmosphere reacts to geomagnetic storms, which is a problem for the Earth's magnetic field due to solar activity. Take This Trivia Quiz About The Ionospheric Connection Explorer ICON Satellite.
1. The ionosphere lies between how many kilometers above the mesosphere?
A. 50 to 400 kilometers
B. 80 to 500 kilometers
C. 80 to 800 kilometers
D. 80 to 900 kilometers
2. The 'ICON' satellite launched by NASA to study the ionosphere reached the orbit by how many years behind schedule?
A. Three years
B. Two years
C. Four years
D. Five years
3. Through which area do radio communications and GPS waves communicate?
A. Ozonosphere
B. Ionosphere
C. Troposphere
D. All of above
4. Why is the ionosphere known as the "ionosphere"?
A. It contains magnetically charged particles
B. It contains O3 particles
C. It contains radioactive particles
D. It contains electrically charged particles
5. What is the Ionospheric Connection Explorer mission type?
A. Earth observation
B. Mars observation
C. Solar observation
D. Lunar observation
6. When was the Ionospheric Connection Explorer mission launch?
A. 10 Oct 2019
B. 11 Oct 2019
C. 12 Oct 2019
D. 11 Oct 2018
7. What is meant by engaged in IOCN satellite equipment 'EUV'?
A. Extreme Ultraviolet spectrometer
B. Far Ultraviolet spectrometer
C. Ion Velocity Meter
D. None of above
8. Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging mounted on....
A. Far Ultraviolet spectrometer
B. Ion Velocity Meter
C. Ionospheric Connection Explorer
D. All of above
9. What is the orbital reference system of Ionospheric Connection Explorer?
A. Low Earth
B. Geocentric
C. Planned
D. Ion Velocity
10. What was the name of the rocket ICON launched?
A. Falcon XI
B. Pegasus XL
C. Falcon IX
D. None of these
11. Which is the Perigee altitude of ICON in the mile?
A. 367 mile
B. 347 mile
C. 327 mile
D. 357 mile
12. Power generated by Ionospheric Connection Explorer in ____________watts.
A. 780 watts
B. 500 watts
C. 670 watts
D. 900 watts
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