How well do you know about Scooby-Doo? Have you ever watched this Scooby-Doo series? Scooby-Doo is a popular animated franchise series that was originally broadcast on CBS in 1969. the series story revolves around a group of teenagers and their talking Great Dane, Scooby-Doo, who solve mysteries involving supposedly supernatural creatures. The show combines humor, adventure, and mystery-solving as the "Mystery Inc." gang uncovers the true identities of villains behind the spooky masks and ghostly apparitions they encounter. Scooby-Doo has become a beloved classic with numerous TV series, movies, and merchandise over the years. So let's start this quiz and see how well you know about Scooby-Doo.
1. In which year did the original Scooby-Doo series first air?
A. 1975
B. 1989
C. 1969
D. 1996
2. What type of dog is Scooby-Doo?
A. Beagle
B. Great Dane
C. Dachshund
D. Labrador Retriever
3. What is the name of the iconic, green van used by the Mystery Inc. gang?
A. Mystery van
B. Scooby Van
C. Ghost Wagon
D. Mystery Machine
4. Which member of the gang is known for being highly intelligent and wearing glasses?
A. Fred
B. Shaggy
C. Velma
D. Daphne
5. What is the name of the main antagonist in Scooby-Doo, often revealed to be behind the "monsters"?
A. The Villain
B. The Phantom
C. The Ghost King
D. The Monster Master
6. What is the name of the coastal town where most of the Scooby-Doo mysteries take place?
A. Coolsville
B. Crystal Cove
C. Ocean City
D. Mystery Bay
7. What is Scooby-Doo's favorite snack?
A. Pizza
B. Burger
C. Ice Cream
D. Scooby Snacks
8. Which member of the gang is often described as the "damsel in distress"?
A. Fred
B. Shaggy
C. Velma
D. Daphne
9. Who is the leader of the Mystery Inc. gang?
A. Fred
B. Velma
C. Shaggy
D. Scooby-Doo
10. What is the name of the Great Dane's nephew who sometimes joins the gang?
A. Yappy-Doo
B. Scrappy-Doo
C. Scooby-Dum
D. Snappy-Doo
11. What is the main job of Fred in the Mystery Inc. gang?
A. Solving mysteries
B. Providing comic relief
C. Cooking for the team
D. Driving the Mystery Machine
12. In the live-action Scooby-Doo movies, who plays the role of Shaggy?
A. Jack Black
B. Jim Carrey
C. Johnny Depp
D. Matthew Lillard
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