Am I A Transgender Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 5656 | Recent Updated: 24-May-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Everyone has their gender and you are no different. But how many transgender qualities do you have? Well, it’s time to find that. Take this fun quiz and find out how much percentage of a transgender you are. Remember being honest is important. Share the quiz with your friends to find their results.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel having qualities of another gender within you?

A. Yes, I am female but feel a bit masculine

B. I am a boy but people say the way I talk is more like girls

C. I like to indulge in activities in which boys are involved or vice-versa

D. None of the above

2. In what position do you sit?

A. I am a boy and usually sits in a cross-legged position

B. I am a girl and I love sitting in a Leg-lock position

C. I am a boy and I sit in a leg-lock position

D. I am a girl and I sit in a cross-legged position

3. What kind of hairs do you love?

A. I am a boy and I love Longhairs

B. I am a girl and I love short hairs

C. I am a boy and I love short hairs

D. I am a girl and I love long hairs

4. What kind of circle do you have?

A. I love spending time with friends of both genders

B. I am a boy and I spend most of the time in a girl’s group

C. I am a girl and I spend my time mostly in a boy’s circle

D. I am a girl and I spend time with girls

5. How many relationships have you had before?

A. So many relationship

B. 2-3 relationships

C. Only 1 relationships

D. None

6. Which of the following would you choose?

A. A laptop

B. A car

C. A Headphone

D. A dress

7. Which color do you think defines you?

A. Black

B. Purple

C. Pink

D. Red

8. Which is your favorite boy band?

A. One direction


C. The Vamps

D. Green day

9. Which is the sport you are best at?

A. Badminton

B. Athletics

C. Volleyball

D. Table Tennis

10. Do you feel attracted to your own gender?

A. Yes

B. Not at all

C. Sometimes, depends on who the person is

D. Not sure


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