A noun can be defined as a word that functions as the name of a specific object or set of objects which may include living creatures, places, actions qualities, and also states of existence or ideas. A noun cannot be said as a semantic category so that it cannot be categorized in terms of its meaning. Thus, nouns can be also defined as a part of speech that names a person, place, thing, idea, action, or quality. Let's take a quiz about nouns.
1. The noun that does not have physical existence and cannot be touched or seen is called as:
A. Collective Noun
B. Mass Noun
C. Abstract Noun
D. Proper Noun
2. Name the noun which is physically existing and can be perceived by any of the five senses
A. Collective Noun
B. Concrete Noun
C. Abstract Noun
D. Common Noun
3. The name of person, place, or thing, in general, can be called as:
A. Common Noun
B. Mass Noun
C. Proper Noun
D. Collective Noun
4. Dipti bought Himani a new dress. Himani can be termed as what in the given sentence.
A. Indirect Object
B. Subject
C. Subjective Compliment
D. Object
5. What is Plural of Alto?
A. Altos
B. Altoes
C. Alto's
D. Altoss
6. The name of a particular and specific person, place, or thing is known to be as:
A. Abstract Noun
B. Proper Noun
C. Collective Noun
D. Common Noun
7. Which noun is represented when a group or class is considered as one?
A. Mass Noun
B. Collective Noun
C. Abstract Noun
D. Concrete Noun
8. Mr. Sharma works for Microsft, Mr. Sharma is used as what in the given sentence?
A. Object
B. Subject
C. Noun
D. Proper Noun
9. Which noun is used to denote an object?
A. Common Gender
B. Feminine Gender
C. Neuter Gender
D. None
10. Goose, what is its plural?
A. Gooses
B. Geese
C. Geeses
D. Goose's
11. Which of the following describes the noun who is Male (Father/Uncle/Brother)?
A. Common Gender
B. Feminine Gender
C. Masculine Gender
D. None
12. An object or material which can be counted rather can be measured with the help of quantifier or counter, such noun are known as:
A. Abstract Noun
B. Mass Noun
C. Proper Noun
D. Concrete Noun
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