The Resistance color codes are used to indicate electronic ratings, with four, five, or six stripes of colors predominantly formed above the resistance. According to the value of these colors, the value of resistance comes out. Usually for resistors, but also for capacitors, inductors, diodes, and others. A separate code, a more then 20-pair color code, is used to identify wires in some telecommunications cables. Various codes are used for wire leads on devices such as transformers or building wiring. Internationally, a color code system is used to find the values of resistance. let's know more about Electronic Color Code In Electronics Engineering.
1. How much, the pair of separate code color is used to identify wires in some telecommunications cables?
A. 20-pair color code
B. 25-pair color code
C. 35-pair color code
D. 55-pair color code
2. What is the current international standard defined marking code for resistors and capacitors?
A. IEC 60062:2016
B. IEC 62:1952
C. IEC 62:1968
D. None of these
3. In surface-mount packages, the values of the components are marked with which code instead of a color code?
A. Cheaply printed
B. Printed alphanumeric
C. Color bands
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following is the color code of 333kΩ,± 5% five band resistors?
A. Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange, Gold
B. Orange, Orange, Orange, Orange, silver
C. Orange, Orange, Orange, Red, Gold
D. None of these
5. In a Five band color code, what does the 6th band represent?
A. Temperature Coefficient
B. Multiplier
C. Tolerance of the resistor
D. None of these
6. In a Six band color code, what does the 6th band represent?
A. Tolerance of the resistor
B. Multiplier
C. Temperature Coefficient
D. None of these
7. In a Four band color code, what does the 4th band represent?
A. Tolerance
B. Multiplier
C. Temperature Coefficient
D. None of these
8. Which of the following is the is the tolerance value for a grey color in the tolerance band?
A. ± 0.05%
B. ± 0.25%
C. ± 0.5%
D. None of these
9. Which is the tolerance of a 3 band resistor?
A. ±0.25%
B. ±0.05%
C. ±0.01%
D. ±20%
10. Which is the tolerance of a 6 band resistor?
A. ± 0.1%
B. ± 0.05%
C. ± 0.25%
D. ± 0.15%
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