Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., the name we all are familiar with. The industry of politics has the name Joe Biden as the main ideology figure since he is probably one of the best politicians the nation ever got. Professionally and famously known as Joe Biden is a very amazing, talented, and very intelligent person whose all ideas and all the beliefs are still the perfect fit for the nation. We all must have read about the famous personality and his good deeds may be in our textbooks or might have hard of his name when reading about history. Let us now have a look at the very amazing trivia quiz and see how much you can answer about Joe Biden 46th President of the USA!
1. What is the birthdate of Joe Biden?
A. 16 January 1934
B. 20 November 1942
C. 1 July 1940
D. 18 September 1945
2. How did Joe Biden Serve for US?
A. President
B. Governer
C. Minister
D. Vice President
3. What is the favorite idol of Joe Biden?
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Nelson Mandela
D. Mahatama Gandhi
4. Which number of vice president was Joe Biden?
A. 47
B. 48
C. 49
D. 50
5. What is the favorite color of Joe Biden?
A. Black
B. Blue
C. Red
D. Orange
6. What is the height of Joe Biden?
A. 1.79 meters
B. 1.90 meters
C. 1.83 meters
D. 1.65 meters
7. What is the name of party of Joe Biden?
A. Democratic
B. Republic
C. American
D. None of the above
8. What was the name of ex-wife of Joe Biden?
A. Rhea Seth
B. Lisa Haydon
C. Neilia Hunter
D. Catherine
9. When did the tenure of Joe Biden started?
A. 2009
B. 2008
C. 2010
D. 2011
10. When did Joe Biden became Delaware in the U.S.Senate?
A. 1990
B. 1965
C. 1970
D. 1973
11. What is the favorite food of Joe Biden?
A. Italian
B. Diet
C. Sea
D. Chinese
12. When did Joe Biden won Gold Medal Of Freedom?
A. 2018
B. 2015
C. 2004
D. 2009
13. When did Joe Biden active for work?
A. 1970
B. 1969
C. 1968
D. 1967
14. How many children does Joe Biden has?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
15. What is the name of current wife of Joe Biden?
A. Jill Biden
B. Rhea Seth
C. Catherine
D. Emilia
16. Whom did Joe defeat in the 2020 elections?
A. Barack Obama
B. Henry Llor
C. Kim Yong
D. Donald Trump
17. Under which president was Joe vice president of the USA?
A. Donald Trump
B. Harly Llor
C. Barack Obama
D. Prince Charles
18. What did Obama call Biden as?
A. My companion
B. My brother
C. My partner
D. My family
19. When did the eldest son of Biden die?
A. 2009
B. 2011
C. 2013
D. 2015
20. In which war did, Biden proposed a partition plan as a way to maintain a united, peaceful Iraq?
A. Bangladesh War
B. Iraq war
C. Iran war
D. Afghanistan War
21. When did Biden pursue the Democratic presidential nomination but withdrew afterward?
A. 1885
B. 1886
C. 1887
D. 1888
22. In which year women accused Biden of inappropriate physical contact, notably hugging and kissing?
A. 2019
B. 2018
C. 2017
D. 2016
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