The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations, which aims to promote international public health. The main objectives of the WHO are to shape the health research agenda, provide criteria and standards, provide technical support to countries and monitor and evaluate health trends while providing leadership on global health matters. Let's take this quiz and check your knowledge about WHO.
1. Where is the WHO Regional Office for Southeast Asia located?
A. New Delhi
B. Jineva
C. Rasiya
D. China
2. High levels of _________ have been found in the Pacific, Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
A. Thermosets
B. Microplastics
C. Thermoplastic
D. Medium plastic
3. When did India get membership of world Health Organisation?
A. 12 January 1958
B. 12 January 1948
C. 12 January 1998
D. 12 January 1978
4. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. When was it established?
A. 7 April 1968
B. 7 April 1978
C. 7 April 1948
D. 7 April 1988
5. It's headquarters is located in ___________.
A. Bahrain
B. Geneva (Switzerland)`
C. California (USA)
D. All of above
6. Who has a part to play in advocating for universal health coverage?
A. Not-for-profit groups
B. Health workers
C. Media
D. All of the above
7. How much of the increasing population is not able to obtain the health services they need?
A. At least 30% of the average
B. At least 70% of the average
C. At least 50% of the average
D. At least 90% of the average
8. Every year on 7 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates its anniversary, the day its constitution came into force. How old will WHO be this year (2019)?
A. 30
B. 50
C. 71
D. 90
9. Who is the Director-General (DG) of the World Health Organisation?
A. Tedros Adhanom
B. Hiroshi Nakajima
C. LEE Jong-wook
D. Halfdan Mahler
10. The WHO southeast Asia Region has ________ Member States.
A. 15
B. 17
C. 21
D. 11
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