Weapons have always been an essential supply for any country, Since in any kind of war the most essential role is played by the weapons. Most commonly, a country that has a large supply of weapons is generally considered to be enough powerful and superior . Weapons either in the ancient period or in the recent times have only gained the importance since then.The ancient period has always used great ancient weapons that were also unique and were greatly in demand that time. Let us now have a look at the very amazing and interesting trivia quiz and see how much you can answer about the ancient weapons!
1. What is the oldest weapon?
A. Raja Shivaaji Sword
B. The Heilongjiang Hand Cannon
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
2. What were the ancient weapons used?
A. Arrows
B. Swords
C. Shields
D. All of the above
3. What was man's first weapon?
A. Stone-tipped spears
B. Swords
C. Broad Shaped Browdswords
D. Arrows
4. Which weapon has killed the most in history?
A. AS-12
C. AK-47 Kalashnikov
D. HM-89 Special
5. Who created the deadliest weapon in the history?
B. Germany
C. Spain
D. India
6. What was the deadliest weapon in the history?
A. Atomic Bomb
B. B-41 hydrogen bomb
C. Nuclear Bomb
D. All of the above
7. Who made the first gun in the history?
A. Nick Srretans
B. David Rolf
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Richard Gatling
8. What were the first weapons?
A. Cannons
B. Grenades
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
9. What weapon killed the most in WW1?
A. Artillery
B. Cannons
C. Grenades
D. Guns
10. Which is the strongest weapon on Earth?
A. Artillery
B. Nuclear Bomb
C. Hydrogen Bomb
D. Tsar Bomba
11. What is America's strongest weapon?
A. Mk/B53
B. Jt/Y78
C. Bs/T67
D. Hk/U80
12. Which country has the best weapons?
A. United Kingdom
B. Spain
C. Russia
D. North Korea
13. Which gun is made in India?
A. Cannus Artiellery
B. INSAS assault rifle
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
14. What is the strongest sword in the world?
A. Drevia Sword
B. Frescia Troy Sword
C. Honjo Masamune
D. All of the above
15. Which is the most dangerous weapon in the world?
A. W76-2
B. T78-89
C. R34
D. None of the above
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