Passion is an immense feeling that leads to ambitions. It is absolutely fun to find your attractions, emotions, and passion. Hobbies relax you more than anything else. Some are passionate about making money whereas others are desirous of pursuing their hobby. They may find love in nature, reading, cooking, baking, or with kids. So if you’re one of a kind who is not aware of what you’re passionate about then this quiz is for you.
1. Which task would make you more satisfied?
A. Brainstorming with creative think tanks
B. Attending a motivational seminar
C. Spending time in gym
D. Having more sleep
2. If given a chance to go back what course do you want to learn?
A. Management
B. Marketing
C. Creative
D. Caring
3. What is the most rewarding about your career?
A. I am learning and continously growing
B. It gives opportunity to explore my creativity
C. It gave me some best friends
D. So many things to boast of
4. What is most important for you in life?
A. Be kind to others
B. Always ready to extend a helping hand to the needy
C. Enjoy the beauties of the world
D. Keep on learning
5. What will be my ideal career?
A. Creates meaningful connection with like-minded people
B. To explore variety passions simultaneously
C. That has no limits
D. Gives freedom to be my own boss
6. How would you find me in a work meeting?
A. Daydreaming
B. Sharing innovative ideas
C. Quiet and taking notes
D. Motivating the team
7. What do you find me often talking about?
A. Latest movie
B. Favorite TV show
C. Politics
D. An art exhibition you recently visited
8. With which celebrity would you like to go on a dinner?
A. Bob Ross
B. Venus Williams
C. Shakira
D. Steve Irwin
9. What did you want to become as a kid?
A. Doctor
B. Scientist
C. Player
D. Painter
10. What are you good at?
A. Gardening
B. Interior decoration
C. Helping others
D. Arts & Crafts
11. How do you feel when you do the work you’re passionate about?
A. I think like being on cloud nine
B. No words to say, I become speechless
C. I feel satisfied
D. I really feel good while doing so
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