In a strengths and weaknesses investigation, you investigate your qualities and shortcomings and attempt to find the expert open doors that exist for you. Your own hindrances, issues that may obstruct your advancement, are talked about also. A qualities and shortcomings examination can likewise be known as an individual SWOT investigation.
1. Do you use the phone to keep track of your appointments?
A. Nope
B. It’s a must
C. Sometimes
D. I go by memory
2. Actions speak louder than words.' Is it True or false?
A. False
B. True
C. It depends
D. I don’t know
3. What would you prefer: Talk on the Phone or Text?
A. Talk on a phone
B. Test
C. Neither
D. It depends
4. Do you have the ability to convince your friend to go to a concert of an artist they aren't interested in?
A. I think so
B. I doubt
C. Nope
D. Yes, definitely
5. Could you eligible to give a speech in front of people?
A. Yes, why not
B. Only if I had to
C. No
D. I am very shy
6. Would you prefer to do a project alone or with someone else?
A. Alone
B. With someone
C. It depends
D. Don’t know
7. Pick one, Harder tasks or Easiest:
A. Hardiest
B. Easiest
C. Depending upon the due dates
D. Both at the same time
8. Do you think you are a procrastinator?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Sometimes
D. Very often
9. Do you think you are opinionated?
A. Yes
B. I don’t think so
C. No
D. On certain topics yes
10. What’s your bite, are you say a good listener?
A. No
B. Yes
C. I try to be
D. So-so listener
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