The decision to choose a car is a difficult task as one needs to focus on various factors and perspective of a car respective of his own requirement, therefore likely people decide the car at the basis of their budget, purpose of the car, requirement, usage and also depends over the number of members in a family. A car not only describes your status but also your personality so one must choose it accordingly.
1. What type of look do you want?
A. Classic
B. Advance
C. Trendy
D. Moddern
2. What matters more to you in a car?
A. Luxury
B. Comfort
C. Looks
D. Technology
3. Are you a sporty personality?
A. Yes
B. Somewhat
C. Not all
D. Never thought of it much
4. Are you aggressive personality?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Depends over the situations
D. Not at all
5. What is the main reason for you to get a car?
A. Show off
B. Daily use
C. Family Trips
D. Desire
6. What sort of financial plan you had to buy a car?
A. Expensive
B. Low budget
C. Average budget
D. Depends over the model
7. For what time period or duration you are planning a car?
A. Long term
B. Short term
C. Depends over the time
D. Never given a thought to it
8. Are you planning to save money on monthly expenses or you would finance a car?
A. Save money on monthly expenses
B. Finance a car
C. Ask for loan
D. Not decided yet
9. What you had planned for the car?
A. Go for long drive
B. Go for trip with family
C. Show it to all
D. Excited
10. Do you believe to get a car with modified technologies?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes, I hwish too
C. No
D. Not thought till now
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