Color of hair not only describes our likes and dislikes it also describes and represents our personality and character to the public. It let people around us know about our choices and also let judge about our thoughts we go through. Let's take this quiz & find out what color should I dye my hair.
1. Which season do you consider that you need to take more care of yours?
A. Summer
B. Autumn
C. Spring
D. Winter
2. According to you, when you like to dye your hair?
A. Occasionally
B. Seasonly
C. Never
D. Whenever required
3. While choosing the color to dye your hairs what you care most about?
A. What others would say
B. You like
C. Occasion to dye your hair
D. Nothing
4. How frequently do you dye your hair?
A. Monthly
B. Once in a qaurter
C. Never
D. Anytime
5. What are the things you consider most while you dye your hair?
A. Brand
B. Color
C. Duration
D. All of the above
6. According to you when is the best time to dye your hairs?
A. When need a change
B. When look different
C. Depends over the nature
D. Anytime
7. For you what can be considered as your point of reference when you dye your hairs?
A. Friends
B. Family
C. Partner
D. Social sites
8. Did you ever dye your hair?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Frequently
D. At regular instance
9. Whom you prefer to dye you hairs?
A. Parlour
B. Anyone
C. Yourself
D. No preference
10. When you first dyed your hair?
A. Teenage
B. Adultery
C. Recently
D. Never
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