The World is composed of 195 countries. Out of these 118 countries were born (gained independence) after World War 2. As human knowledge grows and technology advances there are changes that countries start to merge again. One should always be proud of the country he/she belongs to and should work to contribute to the development of the nation. Keeping that in mind here is a 10 question quiz on what country I am?
1. Which continent do you belong to?
A. America
B. Asia, Australia
C. Europe
D. Africa
2. Which country do you belong to?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. America
D. Others
3. Your country is -
A. Democratic
B. Republic
C. Dictatorship
D. Others
4. Are you living in the same country you were born in?
A. Yes
B. Yes, but planning to move
C. No, I have moved to another country
D. I am a refugee
5. Which country among the following would you like to visit once in your lifetime?
A. India
B. Singapore
C. Switzerland
D. New Zealand
6. Which according to you is the best country among the following?
A. Sweden
B. Canada
C. Australia
D. Switzerland
7. Do you like the governance of your country?
A. Yes, absolutely
B. Yes, probably
C. No, to some extent
D. No, absolutely
8. If given a chance, would you like to join the politics of your country?
A. Yes, absolutely
B. Yes, but after some time
C. No, my family won't allow
D. No, I don't like politics
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