Dreams are the stories that come out of our subconscious mind in sleep. These pictures may be pleasant or make you unhappy. We all dream. Wondering what your last night’s dream holds? Do you really need to bother about the meaning of a dream? Well, if you are really interested in dream interpretation, try to find an answer by attempting this entertaining quiz.
1. What do your dreams relate to?
A. Past
B. Present
C. Future
D. I don’t dream
2. Do you have the same dream again and again?
A. Yes, many times
B. No, till now it didn’t get the same dream again
C. I don’t remember
D. Maybe once or twice
3. Who do you see in your dreams?
A. Famous people
B. People I currently know
C. Animals, including reptiles and worms
D. Strangers
4. Which animal do you see in your dreams?
A. Lion
B. Snake
C. Kitten or Puppy
D. Fishes
5. Do you possess supernatural abilities in your dream?
A. No
B. Often
C. Always
D. Sometimes
6. How have you been feeling during dreaming?
A. Decent
B. Passionate
C. Peaceful
D. Scared
7. Do you get action-packed dreams?
A. Yes, I get aggressive too
B. No
C. Others than me are aggressive
D. No, I have peaceful dreams
8. What do you dream about?
A. Relationships
B. Festivals/events
C. Travel
D. Food
9. Are you in a relationship?
A. Yes, I am having a good relationship
B. Yes, I have a disturbing relationship
C. Yes, I am in a long-distance relationship
D. I am single and happy that way
10. Which of these experiences do you remember on waking up?
A. Tooth decay
B. Me falling
C. My love/ boyfriend/ girlfriend
D. Scary worms
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