Quiz: What Dungeons and Dragons Class Are You?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 3108 | Recent Updated: 01-May-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Playing online games engross one completely. Development in information technology has increase engagement. Many of us play games classic game D & D regularly. Do you love playing games online? It is amusing to measure gravity. D&D is an imaginary roleplay game. The game also activates the mind and increases the creativity of the player. D & D 5th edition comes with 12 base classes. Well, answer these questions on quiz honestly to know what D&D class are you?

Questions Excerpt

1. Which D&D class among is your favorite among the following classes?

A. Barbarian

B. Bard

C. Cleric

D. Fighter

2. Which D&D character is your favorite?

A. Vecna

B. Strahd von Marovich

C. Elminster

D. Mordenkainen

3. Which is your favorite game among the following?

A. Super Mario

B. Resident Evil 2

C. Slay the spire


4. Which is your preferred D&D class among the following?

A. Monk

B. Paladin

C. Ranger

D. Druid

5. What is your age right now?

A. Under 10 year

B. 10 - 20 years

C. 20 - 30 years

D. Above 30 years

6. How long you play video games daily?

A. Less than 30 min

B. 30 min - 1hr

C. 1hr - 2hr

D. I don't play daily

7. Which is your favorite style?

A. Magic

B. Might

C. Guile

D. None of the above

8. What is your favorite range for the fight?

A. Close

B. Close to medium

C. Medium

D. Medium to long

9. Which is your favorite hobby?

A. Reading

B. Writing

C. Cricket

D. Football

10. Which of the following is your favorite tourist destination?

A. Paris

B. Norway

C. London

D. Goa


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