Emojis have become a craze among the younger generation all over the world. They are very appealing and charming. We have different Emojis for different functions nowadays. We use Emojis on a daily basis and they are a way of showing our emotions and gratitude towards others. Emojis are modern-day characters and they will be our best companions for decades. Therefore, folks take this fun quiz to know precisely which Emoji do you match the most.
1. Are you a new age Emoji?
A. Yes I am
B. I am quite old
C. I am a new invention
D. I am not sure
2. How glamorous are you?
A. To some extent
B. To a significant extent
C. I am less appealing
D. I would rather not say
3. Which type of Emoji do you resemble?
A. I am a smiley Emoji
B. I am an Emoji representing people
C. I am a hand gesture Emoji
D. I represent clothes
4. How do you articulate yourself?
A. I create a sad atmosphere
B. I make a crying appeal
C. I am very noisy
D. I am a quiet Emoji
5. How colorful are you?
A. I belong to the yellow bandwagon
B. I prefer blue to others
C. I am a red color geek
D. I am a multicolor Emoji
6. How do people use you?
A. They use me while chatting
B. They use me when texting
C. I am used occasionally
D. I prefer not to say
7. How do you bond with others?
A. I am very cautious in my approach
B. I stay aloof from others
C. I prefer to be friendly all the time
D. I prefer to study others before approaching
8. Are you a known character?
A. I am quite well known worldwide
B. I am a low profile person
C. Only Youngsters prefer me
D. I am gaining popularity only now
9. How do you face criticism from others?
A. I get dejected when criticized
B. I give it back instantly
C. I react emotionally
D. I am not sure what to do
10. What is your survival rate?
A. As long as people use me
B. I will survive for a shorter period
C. I will disappear very soon
D. I cannot say anything about it
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