People belonging to one ethnicity seem to have particular types of traits which set them apart from other groups. These traits could be good or bad, for different people. Like some groups focus more on socializing, and hence their social skills and communication skills are naturally heightened. While the ones who focus more on themselves have traits like high self-esteem and self-reliance. Take this quiz to figure out which ethnicity you are attracted to.
1. Which qualities do you look for in your partner?
A. Respectful
B. Immature
C. Wealthy
D. Stylish
2. Which country would you like to visit during your next vacation?
A. France
B. Turkey
C. China
D. Canada
3. How would you describe your personality?
A. Stubborn
B. Aggressive
C. Mature
D. Vivacious
4. How do you act around your friends?
A. Play with them
B. Sit and gossip
C. Pick fights with them
D. I don’t have friends
5. How do you express your love to your lover?
A. By cuddling them
B. By cooking for them
C. By doing nasty things
D. By showing passive aggression
6. What do you do in your free time?
A. Sleep
B. Watch movies
C. Listen to music
D. Go out for a walk
7. Which music genre do you prefer the most?
A. Classical
B. Jazz
C. Rock
D. Metal
8. Which dance genre do you dislike the most?
A. Freestyle
B. Hip Hop
C. Ballet
D. Salsa
9. Where would you like to spend your weekend?
A. Home
B. Shopping mall
C. Mountains
D. Theatre
10. When was the last time you got angry at someone?
A. Today itself
B. Last week
C. Last month
D. I don’t get angry
11. Which is your favorite food?
A. Pasta
B. Pizza
C. Taco
D. Fries
12. What animal do you like the most?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Tiger
D. Bear
13. What makes you unique?
A. My skills
B. My looks
C. My personality
D. My intelligence
14. How do you handle stress?
A. Shouting at someone
B. Sleeping
C. Meditating
D. Eating
15. What would you like to change about yourself?
A. Laziness
B. Anger
C. Over eating
D. Procrastination
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