The flavor of protein shake is as important as boosting nutrition with it. Finding a tasting option is a challenge. Have you imagined, your favorite protein flavor does tell about you? Probably not; but now, you might be curious to know the flavor profile that best describes you. Take this delicious and fun food quiz to discover what flavor of Protein Shake is best for you.
1. Your favorite Hulking man-
A. Arnold Schwarzenegger
B. Sylvester Stallone
C. Tom Hardy
D. Jean-Claude Van Damme
2. According to you, what muscle group is the most important for the workout?
A. Pectoral muscles, shoulders, and triceps
B. Back, biceps and triceps
C. Leg; Hamstrings, calves and the glutes
D. Not sure, depend on my instructor
3. Which food appeals to your taste buds?
A. Quinoa
B. Bread
C. Peanut butter
D. Grilled fish
4. How do you spend the weekends?
A. Sleeping
B. Watching movies or TV
C. Partying with friends
D. Playing volleyball
5. What type of music excites your nerves?
A. Hip-Hop
B. Heavy Metal
C. Rock
D. Country
6. Do you take whey or plant-based protein?
A. Whey protein
B. Plant-based protein
C. Does it matter?
D. Both
7. Which of the following is your favorite fruit?
A. Banana
B. Mango
C. Strawberry
D. I don’t like fruits
8. The drink that you can have any time-
A. Soft drink
B. Coffee
C. Fruit smoothie
D. Mix veg soup
9. What should be the flavor of cake in the cake-based cocktail?
A. Chocolate sponge
B. Pineapple Upside Down
C. Vanilla cake
D. Coffee cake
10. How much sugar do you take in milk or tea or coffee?
A. I take stevia
B. 1/2 tsp
C. 1 tsp
D. 2 tsp
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