Discover Your Hogwarts House on Pottermore Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 3268 | Recent Updated: 08-Aug-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
A real Potterhead dreams of living in one of the Hogwarts. The Wizarding World has four houses: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. But we can't be Harry Potter or J.K. Rowling’s young wizards of fantasy creation. Have the sorting experience by taking an online quiz. This thrilling quiz will discover what Hogwarts house you deserve.

Questions Excerpt

1. If your group has a class presentation to make, what will be your role?

A. Lead from front end from organizing everyone and everything to the end

B. Doing the research and writing job

C. Help in everything

D. I have a group, why should I bother alone

2. Did you ever cheat on tests?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. I tried not to cheat but often I ended up cheating

D. It is just like caring about friends

3. What do want to achieve till the time you die?

A. Super rich that to serve many generations

B. Traveled across the world

C. Become a popular figure among masses and friends

D. Surrounded by a good family and friends

4. How do you prepare for a do or die exam next week?

A. I form a study group where I also add my professor who share hints there

B. I study in the library and revise thoroughly later

C. I study with the help of a mobile app

D. I study as per the timetable, starting the day early

5. What would you be doing in free time at Hogwarts?

A. Reading & writing

B. Daydreaming

C. Listening to music

D. Shopping

6. What is the one thing you save from your burning house?

A. My favorite music instrument

B. Food

C. Family’s Heirloom

D. Laptop and mobile

7. What is your biggest fear?

A. Falling from cliff

B. Failure

C. Natural calamities

D. Public speaking

8. You identify with which animal?

A. Bear

B. Crocodile

C. Tiger

D. Serpent

9. What will you do if you see a nerd being bullied?

A. Don’t care

B. Go to them and yell

C. Show sympathy to the nerd

D. Walk to reach the nerd

10. What would you do if people talk about you and your friend?

A. Leave them to whatever they do

B. Run away and cry

C. I have better things to do than wasting my time on baseless rumors

D. Think long on this but don’t tell anybody


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