Superpower is an unusual amount of strength, possessed by humans or gods. They can change the entire landscape of a country or a region. They can be either saviors or destroyers depending upon their inner strength. They are the force to reckon with and can be extremely protective of their subjects. Attempt the quiz below and the answers for it will tell what is my superpower.
1. Do you think superheroes exist?
A. Yes, I thoroughly believe
B. To some extent
C. Rarely do I believe
D. I do not believe so
2. Describe the kind of superpower you possess?
A. Mind control
B. Extraordinary strength
C. Healing powers
D. Magical powers
3. How powerful are you?
A. Extremely powerful
B. Moderately powerful
C. I am weak
D. I do not know about my power
4. Was your superpower inborn or you inherited it?
A. Yes, I was born with a superpower
B. I acquired it at a later stage
C. No, I was not born with a superpower
D. I do not know what to say
5. How does your family react to your superpower?
A. Yes, they ecstatic
B. No, they react angrily
C. I have to convince them that I have a superpower
D. I do not expect them to know about me
6. Will you flaunt your superpower?
A. Yes, always and very often
B. No, not really
C. Very few people know about my superpower
D. I will flaunt when the time comes
7. How do you intend to use your superpower?
A. I will use it for protecting humanity
B. I will use it for harming others
C. I will not use it at all
D. I will preserve it for future use
8. How well known are you due to your superpower?
A. I am quite well known
B. I am gaining popularity just now
C. No, I am not well known
D. Can’t say anything
9. Will you marry a girl with a similar superpower?
A. Yes, I will do so
B. Maybe an ordinary girl if possible
C. No, I will not
D. Girls do not attract me
10. How possessive are you?
A. Quite a lot
B. To some extent
C. Rather sometimes but not always
D. I do not like to be possessive
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