Most of people believe that love and trust are the base of any good and happy relationship but it is not acceptable in every couple relationship. Sometimes different things take the place of love and trust in the relationship. Sometimes people stay with their partner due to his/her financial condition, sometimes his/her good look and many more things. Do you know that what is the base of your relationship, if not then take this quiz and explore more about your relationship?
1. Do you feel that your partner is funny?
A. Sometimes.
B. Yes, all the times.
C. Well, yes because they are clumsy.
D. No.
2. Do you still attract towards your partner?
A. Of course, that's why you picked them.
B. Yes, but it is not the only reason to like him/her.
C. Yes.
D. No, but you attract toward his/her money .
3. According to you what is common between you and your partner?
A. Good looks
B. Intelligence
C. Great sense of humor
D. Great desire for money
4. Do you feel that financial stability is necessary for any relationship?
A. Yes
B. Yes, but love and trust are more important
C. Yes, but not in every condition
D. Of course, it is the main thing to survive in a relationship
5. Which thing attracted you to your partner the first time you saw him/her?
A. His/her physical appearance.
B. His/her smile
C. His/her perfume
D. His/her financial status
6. Which thing do you like to do with your partner?
A. Hiking.
B. Traveling.
C. Playing video games.
D. Crafting.
7. When do you feel the need of your partner?
A. When you are on bed
B. Every time
C. Most of the time of the day
D. When you need money
8. Do you have a relationship before your present relationship?
A. Yes, but it was a long time ago.
B. Yes, but it only happened a few times.
C. Yes, it was a few months ago.
D. No, not yet.
9. Do you think your partner keep secrets?
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. Sometimes.
D. Most of the times.
10. Would you survive without your partner?
A. Yes, of course.
B. Yes, since it has happened before.
C. No.
D. No, because he/she is the love of your life.
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