Strengths and weaknesses tone the life of every person. Weakness may range from person to person and may occur due to a variety of reasons. Humans never really reveal their weaknesses and they prefer to hide it behind their emotions. A week person always pretends to be strong but actually, he or she is weak in the sense that they are mentally and physically unstable. In order to find out what is your greatest weakness take this quiz to get the answers to the greatest weakness, you are besieged with.
1. How old are you?
A. 20 years
B. 25 years
C. 30 Years
D. 35 Years
2. What type of weakness do you have?
A. Nervous weakness
B. Mental weakness
C. Muscle weakness
D. Bone weakness
3. Does your weakness affect your well-being?
A. Yes to a significant extent
B. To a lesser extent
C. Occasionally though
D. Not sure what to say
4. How different is your weakness from others?
A. Very different
B. Quite similar
C. Not sure about it
D. Lesser compared to others
5. Does your weakness let you down?
A. No not at all
B. Yes sometimes
C. Always
D. Can’t say anything
6. Does your weakness affect your confidence level?
A. To a larger extent
B. To some extent
C. No not at all
D. Not sure about it
7. Are you counseled for your weakness?
A. Yes I am
B. Rather sometimes
C. Very rarely
D. Never got one
8. Has counseling solved your weakness?
A. Yes, it has
B. To some extent
C. No, it has not
D. I am not sure about it
9. Will your weakness aggravate further?
A. May be who knows
B. No, it will not
C. I think so possibly
D. Never know what will happen
10. What is bad about your weakness?
A. It is increasing daily
B. It is decreasing on the contrary
C. It is stagnant
D. I cannot say anything about it
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