In every happy relationship, romance is necessary. In another word, we can say that romance is the core or base of a happy relationship. In an early period of time romance takes place by heart. But in the present scenario, people use the flower, jewelry and many more things for expression of love and romance. So play this quiz and know about your romance type?
1. According to you, which gesture is important for love?
A. Giving a big flower bouquet to your lover
B. Offering chocolate to your lover
C. Offering gifts every month
D. You can’t think of one
2. If you want to spend good time with your partner then which century is best for you and why?
A. The 19th Century, because after all it is known as the Romantic Century
B. Antiquity, because people had great ambitions
C. Prehistory, because at least there were fewer people
D. The 20th century, especially in the 1920s because people were true fashionistas
3. Choose one place for your romantic date……
A. Paris, because French is such a sexy language
B. Spain because you’ll get to see the Flamenco dancers
C. London, because there’s something romantic about drinking tea and eating biscuits with someone you love
D. Japan, because of the culture, which makes you want to fall in love again
4. Do you act romantic with your common friend?
A. No
B. Yes, why not
C. No, because their comments would only kill the moment
D. No, you just don’t see how it would work out
5. Which one is more romantic, men or women?
A. Men, because they have so many options when it comes to romantic gifts
B. Women, because they are sincere with their gesture
C. Women, because they can be consistent
D. Men, because they really invest themselves into being romantic
6. In your point of view, which people are more romantic?
A. America, because they like big things
B. In India because you can sense it through their movies
C. In France, because at least they can pretend to be romantic by cooking excellent food
D. In Brazil, because people are pressured to please very beautiful people
7. What is your favorite color?
A. Blue, because it’s so appeasing
B. Pink because it’s so feminine and delicate
C. Red, because it evokes sex and sensuality
D. White because it evokes cleanliness and purity
8. According to you, which word is more romantic?
A. I love you
B. Surprise
C. Here’s the code to my bank account
D. What do you want me to get you, today?
9. According to you, at which men are more romantic?
A. In their twenties
B. In their thirties
C. In their forties
D. In their sixties
10. Do you think that money is important for romance?
A. Yes, how would they ever afford anything?
B. No, because not everyone is greedy and cruel
C. No because all gifts are not meant to be expensive
D. Yes, because being a romantic person is like an investment
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