Social media is the craziest yet the most important platform for every person. Especially among teenagers, social media has always been about some show-off, friends, sharing of your opinions, debating, and educational stuff. There are several personalities on social media that is important to maintain your social life. Have you ever thought what is your kinda personality? Is it really a nice one? Do you need changes with your personality? You might be eager to know What Is Your Social Media Personality? Try out this amazing quiz and get all your answers!!
1. What is your personality?
A. Generous
B. Funny
C. Smart
D. Quirky
2. How much active are you on social media?
A. I am always active
B. I am not so much active
C. As much as I can
D. Somewhat
3. What is your favorite time to use social media?
A. Everytime
B. Late Night
C. Early Morning
D. Evening
4. What is your favorite genre of social media?
A. Fashion
B. Education
C. Romance
D. Funny
5. Tell something about your profile picture?
A. The one that got most likes
B. Best shot of me
C. The same when I first set up my account
D. I ask my friends to pick for me
6. Describe your view of social media?
A. I try to generate as many likes as i can get
B. i live and breathe social media
C. A chance for interaction
D. I go on for occasional entertainment
7. Choose your kind of posts for social media?
A. Short Messages
B. Meme
C. Something fake
D. Asking questions
8. According to you, what kind of people are your favorite?
A. Inquisitive people
B. People who keep themselves to themselves
C. Those with most followers
D. People who get exciting lives
9. Do you like to find new people on social media?
A. Never
B. Unlikely
C. Only if people makes effort
D. I don't use social media
10. Do you check out the profiles of others?
A. Always
B. Quite often
C. Somewhat
D. Never
11. Do you use social media for information?
A. Sometimes
B. Usually
C. Quite Often
D. Always
12. Do you use social media for entertainment?
A. Always
B. Somewhat
C. Quite Often
D. Not Really
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