There are various types of a couple that we come across, see, and might be one. Some couples are there that in just blink are so attractive to us almost all the celebrity couples. But, there are some couples that feel very clingy to us. We often call them cheesy couples! But do you know there are several types of couples that we see? You might too be in a relationship with someone and might be thinking what kind of couple you are? You might be eager to know What Kind Of Cheesy Couple Are You? Try out this quiz and get your answers!!
1. Do you think about your love always?
A. Rather
B. Often
C. Very Often
D. Somewhat
2. What do you think of love?
A. Most Important
B. Equal thing in life
C. Not very important
D. A thing of showoff
3. Describe meeting your partner?
A. Mutual friends
B. Online
C. Gym
D. Job
4. How often you intimate your partner?
A. Often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Very often
5. Pick a thing you always do together?
A. Share advice
B. Travel
C. Sex
D. Share jokes
6. According to you, choose the strongest component of your relationship?
A. Support
B. Respect
C. Wierdness
D. Chemistry
7. DO you both belong to any social group?
A. With other friends in relationship
B. Yes
C. No
D. Hanging out with work colleagues
8. How often do you disagree with each other?
A. Very often
B. Somewhat
C. Rarely
D. Often
9. How often do you guys go out on a date?
A. Every now and then
B. Never
C. Quite Often
D. Weekdays
10. Where are you found mostly on the weekend?
A. Home
B. Partying
C. Work
D. Depends on our mood
11. Pick your next vacation spot?
A. Beaches
B. Mountains
C. Countryisde
D. Forest
12. Do you do everything together with each other?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Quite Often
D. Rarely
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