It is said that the fishermen know the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. Ever wondered if you were a fisherman how it will work out for you. Check out how you will do as a fisherman in our quiz “What kind of a fisherman are you”.
1. Have you ever been on a boat?
A. Feel sick
B. I wish someday
C. A few times
D. Almost daily
2. How many oceans are there?
A. I guess 7
B. Don’t have a clue
C. I can remember 5
D. 14!!
3. Can you name three types of fishes predominantly found in your area?
A. I can name a lot more than that
B. Maybe
C. No
D. Yes
4. What type of baits are used for fishing?
A. Bait?? What is a Bait?
B. Aren’t they called nighcrawlers
C. No
D. Maybe
5. What is a Tuna?
A. Jim from the office!!
B. A type of fish
C. Don’t have a clue
D. A saltwater fish that belongs to tribe Thunnini
6. What sort of a person are you when you fish?
A. Focused and patient
B. Chilled
C. Focused but on the radio
D. Anxious
7. How do you decide where to go fishing?
A. Wherever my friends say
B. Past experience and weather
C. I read about it
D. If I hear about it from professionals
8. How many types of Fishing techniques are there?
A. One
B. I thought it was only with a rod
C. Maybe Six
D. Ice Fishing, Trolling, Fly Fishing, Spear Fishing, Kayak Fishing, Spin Casting
9. What do you do with the fish that you catch?
A. I eat it
B. I sell it
C. I hardly catch any
D. I take pictures
10. What is your patience level?
A. Like a Buddhist monk
B. I can’t even meditate for 10 seconds
C. I once watched a snail travel 1 meter
D. I am impatient
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