There are different shapes and sizes of glasses that are made for variant faces. A unique and strong framed glass uplifts your looks. We often choose the wrong frames of glasses for our face that makes us look dull and less attractive. Moreover, there is a different glass for various occasions! Do you want to know what kind of glasses you should get? Take this fun quiz to find your type.
1. How would you define your facial structure?
A. Thin and long
B. Fat and round
C. Heart-shaped
D. Asymmetrical
2. Do you need glasses for your eyesight?
A. Yes...I can't see a thing without glasses
B. I need glasses for my migraine
C. I want glasses just for fashion
D. I don't have a problem in eyesight
3. What time do you spend watching at the monitor or mobile screen?
A. Throughout the day
B. When I do not have work
C. Very frequently
D. Very rare
4. What's your gender?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Others
D. Don't want to say
5. Do you prefer non-bifocals?
A. Yes, of course
B. No, something else
C. Doesn't matter
D. I have no idea in this
6. Do you have any specifications in false frames?
A. I want plastic frames
B. I want glass frames
C. I prefer metallic frames
D. Doesn't matter
7. What is your style?
A. Bold and brave
B. Chic and elegant
C. Casual
D. Street fashion
8. How often do you keep up with trends?
A. I am extremely trendy
B. I follow all updates in showbiz
C. I have no idea about trends
D. I follow trends when I feel like
9. What is the most attractive thing in your face?
A. Eyes
B. Lips
C. Nose
D. Nothing
10. How would you describe your personality?
A. Confident
B. Sweet
C. Bold
D. Carefree
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