A husband is not only a male partner in a female's life but also the closest person who constantly supports, cares,s and motivates her. A husband is one who is passionate, trustworthy, compromising, loyal, dependable, and hard-working. In today's time relationship of a husband-wife is most precious where both need to understand and support each other without any selfishness, then only they can build a long-lasting and healthy relationship.
1. What efforts do you put to make your partner feel important when you both are out together?
A. Keep phone on silent
B. Hold her hands
C. Try to do something she wish for
D. Praise her
2. What you are more good at?
A. Listening
B. Speaking
C. Stubbornness
D. Both Listening and Speaking
3. What do you do in your relationship to win over your conversation?
A. Compromise
B. Try to elaborate your point
C. Play a game to win
D. Argue
4. Do you communicate with your partner?
A. Yes
B. Discuss all big small things
C. Sometimes, discuss major things only
D. Never
5. How do you cheer your partner when she is sad?
A. Take her for shopping
B. Plan Lunch/Dinner
C. Try to cook something for her
D. Nothing
6. What sort of work do you like to do around the home?
A. Rennovation
B. Home Chores
C. None
D. Anything ask to do
7. Do you enjoy surprising your partner?
A. Yes, Always
B. Sometimes
C. Occasionally
D. Never
8. Which word describes you best among the following?
A. Loyal
B. Faithful
C. Respecting
D. Short-Temper
9. Do you argue with your partner about all the little things?
A. No, pick my battles too carefully
B. Love to argue at stupid stuff
C. Sometimes argue about all things
D. Try not to argue at all
10. What do you do for your partner's success?
A. Let her shine
B. Overshadow her
C. Sometimes I overshadow her
D. Always let her decide best for herself
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