People young and old get attracted to each other irrespective of their age, religion and other factors. The world has changed for good and people from different continents get attracted without much fuss and hardships. A person may get attracted to another person for myriad reasons and to find out exactly what attracts a person to another we shall take a quiz to know the answers.
1. What figure describes your age?
A. 20 years
B. 25 years
C. 30 years
D. 35 years
2. What kind of person attracts you?
A. Tall and fair
B. Short and dark
C. Fat and overweight
D. Average built
3. How do you expect the person to be nature wise?
A. To be kind-hearted
B. To be sober and quiet
C. To be good for nothing fellow
D. Not sure what to say
4. Is the person you are attracted to above others?
A. Is very much
B. To some extent
C. No idea what to say
D. No, he is not
5. Does the person you are attracted to reciprocate your favor?
A. No not at all
B. Yes sometimes
C. Always
D. I am not sure about it
6. What features do you expect in the person you are attracted to?
A. He should be agile and a true family man
B. He should be a good cook
C. He should be a knowledge hub
D. I prefer not to say
7. Does the person you are attracted to prefer your company?
A. Yes of course
B. Sometimes but not always
C. Rather occasionally
D. Can’t say anything about it
8. Does the person you are attracted to have a good personality?
A. Yes he does
B. His personality is quite well known
C. No, he does not
D. I am not sure about it
9. Will the person accept you and your family?
A. Yes, I think so
B. No, he will not
C. I am neutral
D. Never know what he thinks about me
10. What is bad about the person you are attracted to?
A. He is conservative
B. He is overweight
C. It is not worth mentioning him
D. I cannot say anything about it
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