There have been numerous trends in the current scenario that people are following and loving too. The same trend goes with tattoos! Some people really appreciate tattoos on their bodies. People prefer to have several tattoos on several body parts while some people just one tattoo on one part and some nothing. You might be eager to know do you need a tattoo and where? You must try this quiz and you will find the answer to the question What tattoo Should I Get It?
1. According to you, which PIXAR film is best?
A. Nemo
B. Monsters
C. Incredibles
D. Ratattouile
2. Which word describes your personality best?
A. Traditional
B. Realistic
C. Quirky
D. Tribal
3. Where are you found mostly on weekends?
A. Parties
B. Depends on my mood
C. Sleeping
D. Work
4. On a scale of 1-10, how will you rate your social life?
A. 4
B. 10
C. 7
D. 1
5. Are you a workaholic or a non-workaholic person?
A. Completely workaholic
B. Non workaholic
C. Depends on workload
D. Both equally
6. If you get to choose one free supply thing, what would it be?
A. Yoga classes
B. Art supplies
C. Books
D. McDonald
7. If you ever go to Starbucks, what is the one thing you are definitely having
A. Ice Cream
B. Coffee
C. Ice tea
D. Lemeonade
8. What was your favorite subject in school?
A. Geometry
B. Literature
C. Art
D. Science
9. Which quote do you apply to yourself?
A. Learn to get new opportunities
B. Life is a race, you need to come first
C. Live life king size
D. Flip your hair like no one cares
10. Which recipe are you most likely to search for?
A. Kale Chips
B. DIm Sums
C. White Sauce Pasta
D. Molten Chocolate Cake
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