Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. Learning something at any age/time is feasible and helps you grow as a person in any trade. Some have already figured out the most suitable trade for them, whereas some have not. Want to know which trade is suitable for you? Take this fun quiz to find out.
1. Do you find it hard to introduce yourself to people?
A. Sometimes
B. No, that is easy
C. I do quite often
D. Very awkward situation
2. Do you daydream a lot?
A. Sometimes
B. No, that is easy
C. I do quite often
D. Not at all
3. Go out of your way to make a customer happy.
A. Very Interested
B. Interested
C. Slightly Interested
D. Not Interested
4. Use your physical strength most of the day.
A. Very Interested
B. Interested
C. Slightly Interested
D. Not Interested
5. Which of these would you find fun to work with?
A. Computer
B. Electrical Equipment
C. Paint
D. Cars
6. Where do you like to spend time?
A. Indoor
B. Outdoor
C. Office Environment
D. All of the Above
7. Do you like to design things?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. I hate it
8. What would you be doing at the beach?
A. Making Sand Castle
B. Surfing
C. Flexing Muscles
D. Hiding from the sun
9. How brave are you?
A. I never think in that way
B. Don’t feel brave
C. Ridiculously brave
D. I am kind of brave
10. Do you always answer your emails right away?
A. Yes, as soon as I see them
B. No, after a long time
C. Yes, but I don’t check them a lot
D. I try
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