A business owner or entrepreneurs is one who plans, builds relations and business day by day. They themselves are responsible for the development and growth of their business and networks. They are one who plans and defines their financial plans, mentors their staff and is responsible for their service too. As per saying they are the owners of the business but in real-world they are the ones who serve and work for the firm most despite office hours, holidays, or any family plans or time.
1. What will you focus more on being an owner of it?
A. Liabilities
B. Assets of profit and loss
C. Functionality
D. Size of business
2. If we talk about your skills, which among the following is the best skill according to you of yours in your business?
A. Communication
B. Marketing
C. Networking
D. Problem Solving
3. What can be considered as your business motto?
A. Large
B. Small
C. Budget Friendly
D. Building and growing
4. Considering your perception how you will be more comfortable in running your business?
A. Solo
B. Partners
C. In a form of big firm
D. Dependent over the market
5. Basically, as an owner of a business which market would you target to attain success?
A. National
B. International
C. State
D. Any
6. If ever you faced a situation in life where you realize of losing your business then what will be your act of action?
A. Demotivated
B. Frustrated
C. Quit
D. Try to face the problem
7. What can describe your business in the best form?
A. Creative
B. Secure
C. Preserve
D. Freedom
8. State a statement that suits best to your assumption for business?
A. Look on the bright side :: Be positive
B. Hungry for success :: Be Ambitious
C. Pull your socks up :: Hard Work
D. Fingers crossed :: Luck
9. Did you start your business through financial stability?
A. Loan
B. Investors
C. Family Business
D. Partnership
10. Your business status can be described as?
A. Start up
B. Developed
C. Growing in market
D. Competitive
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