What's your fitness goal? Exercise gets you in better shape. With several workout plans, it is difficult to narrow down the one that fits you. Try to choose your exercises or activities that match your personality. And remember; stick with it for a long time. Take this quiz to find out what workout program is best for you.
1. How would you react to a new opportunity?
A. I would embrace it
B. Set it as my goal and also set a deadline to achieve it
C. Invite friends to join me
D. Seek advice from friends
2. How much time can you dedicate to exercising?
A. Honestly, it is difficult to take out time for exercising
B. 30 minutes to 1 hour daily
C. 2 hours a day
D. A few hours a week
3. Where do you prefer exercising?
A. Indoors
B. Outdoors
C. It doesn't matter
D. A mix of both
4. You exercise at-
A. Gym
B. Home
C. Garden
D. I don't exercise
5. Group or alone
A. Group
B. Alone
C. Alone & group in the garden
D. Mostly in group
6. What activity appeals to you most?
A. Running
B. Jogging
C. Crunches
D. Kickball
7. What type of music do you listen to relax on Friday night?
A. Instrumental, like Japanese flute
B. Energizing music like salsa music
C. Loud music like heavy metal
D. Nature's song, like birds, chirping
8. You're out on a date, how will you dress?
A. Romantic
B. Sexy
C. Casual
D. I pay little attention to it
9. Who makes a plan for the vacations?
A. You only
B. Ask everyone in the family for their inputs
C. Plan together, with assigning a task to everyone
D. Hire a planner
10. What do you think when you look in the mirror?
A. I am beautiful
B. I need to cut down the fat
C. I love myself
D. I got skin tanning
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