Girls are mostly in charge of their own decisions and responsibilities and are introspective and not just surface. These days girls are intelligent, passionate, confident, and self-esteemed. An inspirational feminine figure makes one contemplate the qualities of a good woman. It is no wonder we aspire to be like them. A great woman may achieve the pinnacle of success, but she doesn’t let that get into her head. She accepts her flaws and works on them. Instead of getting angry when someone criticizes her, she takes it in her stride. A great woman doesn’t only believe in pushing herself. She also supports and motivates those around her to achieve their dreams. She constantly gives her loved ones the strength and courage to tide over crises and achieve their goals. An independent woman doesn’t rely on anyone for her happiness. She works hard and manages her finances smartly. This helps them build their self-esteem, which is an important part of self-love. If you strive to be a good woman, being independent is an essential step.
1. How would you react if you woke up as a girl?
A. Surprised
B. Confused
C. Galled
D. Excited
2. What will be your next step once you find yourself as a girl?
A. Make it an excuse
B. Flaunt to all
C. Cry
D. Yell at everyone
3. With whom would you communicate with to get help and turn back to normal?
A. Friends
B. Family Members
C. Spouse
D. Doctor
4. Would you prefer to be a girl for the rest of your life?
A. Yes
B. May be
C. Can't even imagine
D. Don't know
5. Would you never leave home ever again like a girl?
A. Actually Yes
B. Might Mind
C. Not fine
D. It's all fine
6. Are you jaded being a girl?
A. Yes
B. Exactly not yet
C. Experiencing better opportunities
D. I feel can never be bored of it
7. Do you love your changed life?
A. Yes
B. Loving it
C. Experiencing a lot of things
D. No
8. Are you flexible with your activities in life?
A. Yes
B. Kind of
C. Might be in some case
D. Never
9. Do you dislike the pressure of everyday life?
A. Yes
B. Sometimes
C. Try to adjust to it
D. No
10. Nowadays what you are best at these days?
A. Sassy
B. Fashionable
C. Reliable
D. Picky
11. What do you like to do after being changed to a girl?
A. Shopping
B. Traveling
C. Exploring new cuisines
D. Rest at my place
12. Do you feel you need a restart in your life?
A. Yes with changes in life
B. Immediately
C. Never
D. Sometimes in a difficult time
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