Going to labor occupies mixed feelings i.e of fear, excitement, love, affection, and responsibilities. This is a situation when a mother is concerned all about her child only and completely remains impatient to feel the essence of her child and excited to see her baby and fee her baby and touch her. Thus the time to go into labor is awaited by every mother. Let's take this quiz & know more about Labor Prediction.
1. If one asks about your feelings for labor which word would describe it best?
A. Excited
B. Afraid
C. Confused
D. Imaptient
2. What is the level of your energy these days?
A. Energetic
B. Low
C. Depends over the daily routine
D. Never noticed much
3. At what time were you born?
A. Afternoon
B. Morning
C. Evening
D. Night
4. What do you feel when your baby would come?
A. At exact date
B. Prior the date
C. Overdue date
D. No idea
5. Did you experience the labor pain before?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Maybe no
D. Maybe yes
6. Do you have any idea when your mother went for labor?
A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Night
D. No idea
7. What do you expect for how much duration would you go through a labor pain?
A. 0-2 hours
B. 2-10 hours
C. More than 10 hours
D. No Idea
8. What sort of activities do you perform daily?
A. Walking
B. Exercise
C. Workout
D. Household chores
9. Which month are you due?
A. Jan-March
B. April-June
C. July-Sept
D. Oct-Dec
10. How many members are there in your family?
A. Husband-Wife
B. 3
C. 4-6
D. 6+
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