Babies are the sunshine of a parent’s life. Every couple eagerly waits for the day that sets the beginning of joy to their home. Are you close to those 'niggly' aches start of the real thing? Are you near to deliver your baby or is there more time to wait? Let us find out when will labor starts with this fun labor prediction quiz.
1. Had you born exactly on the due date?
A. I was born after the due date
B. I was a premature baby
C. I was born 15 days before the due date
D. I was born 7 days after the due date
2. Was your husband/wife a pre-mature baby?
A. No
B. He/She born 7-10 days after the due date
C. He/She born before the due date
D. Don’t know
3. How many children do you have?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
4. Your previous deliveries were-
A. Normal
B. Vaginal Birth
C. Caesarean
D. Water Birth
5. Does the labor been induced in your previous deliveries?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not exactly
D. Don’t remember
6. How are the contractions you are experiencing?
A. Irregular and sinking
B. Frequent contractions those get stronger
C. Rare momentary contractions
D. Very fewer contractions
7. How was your cervix in the last vaginal exam?
A. Thick and closed
B. Dilated and thinned
C. Slightly relaxed
D. Don’t know
8. Are you experiencing dull lower back pain?
A. Occasionally
B. Yes
C. No
D. Often
9. What is the position of your baby?
A. Lateral position
B. Head-down or cephalic position
C. Bottom-down (breech) position
D. Transverse lie position
10. How about your weight in the past week?
A. Remained the same
B. Increased slightly
C. Dropped a little
D. Increased much
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