Getting your period for the first time can be a bit nerve-wracking if you’re not prepared. This quiz is just for fun and will give you an idea of when you might expect your first period. Everyone is different, and this quiz is just a fun way to explore the possibilities. Good luck, and don’t take it too seriously!
1. How old are you?
A. 9-10 years
B. 11-13 years
C. 14-16 years
D. Over 17 years
2. Have you felt cramps in your lower abdomen?
A. Never
B. Sometime
C. A couple of days here and there
D. Yes, frequently
3. What’s the amount of discharge you’ve noticed?
A. I’m not sure
B. Just a little
C. About average
D. Quite a lot, and watery
4. Do you have pimples?
A. No
B. One or two
C. A few
D. Yes too many
5. Do you have a crush on someone at school or work?
A. Nope, not really
B. Maybe
C. Yes
D. I have a boyfriend/girlfriend
6. What’s the texture of the hair on your arms and legs?
A. Smooth
B. A little rough
C. Light and thin
D. Thick and dark
7. Do you have hair “down there”?
A. No
B. Just starting to grow
C. It’s growing, but not fully yet
D. Yes, it’s dark and fully grown
8. Do you experience mood swings?
A. Never
B. Occasionally
C. A few days a month
D. Quite a lot
9. Have your breasts started growing?
A. Not really
B. Yes a little
C. Yes, they’ve grown some
D. Yes, they’re fully developed
10. How close are you to the age at which your mom got her first period?
A. I don’t know
B. We’re about the same age
C. I’m a year or so older than she was
D. I’m more than a year older than she was
11. Have you noticed any changes in your appetite?
A. Not really
B. I get hungry more often
C. Sometimes I crave certain foods
D. I feel hungry all the time lately
12. How often do you feel tired without a reason?
A. Never
B. Occasionally
C. A few times a week
D. Almost every day
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