Good health is the most valuable asset in a person's life and should be protected at all costs. A person's physical, mental, social, and spiritual habits contribute to determining whether a person is considered healthy. Not many people realize the importance of their health and how it's equivalent to all the wealth of this world. Everyone wants a fit body. A fit and healthy body can keep all diseases at bay. Maintaining a healthy figure isn't difficult if you follow a strict diet. There are different kinds of diets for various body types. People diet for several reasons as there is no shortage of reasons for wanting to have a healthy life. There are also vague options when selecting a diet that might work for you and your health. Being healthy is one of the most crucial things in anyone's life. Diet is one of the most important things when talking about healthiness. But there are different types of people and you must be cautious while choosing them! Have you ever thought about which diet suits you best? Let's try out this quiz and get your answers!
1. What is your body type?
A. Ectomorph
B. Mesomorph
C. Endomorph
D. I don't know my body type
2. How well do you sleep at night?
A. Quite well, more than 8 hours
B. Normal, around 6 hours
C. Not well, less than 6 hours
D. I suffer from insomnia
3. How often do you get hungry?
A. Every 2 hours
B. Once in 4 hours
C. Thrice a day
D. Less than thrice a day
4. Which food group constitutes most of your everyday diet?
A. Vegetables
B. Fruits
C. Grains
D. Dairy
5. Which of the most common nutrient deficiencies do you suffer from?
A. Iron Deficiency
B. Calcium Deficiency
C. Iodine Deficiency
D. Vitamin D Deficiency
6. How many glasses of water do you drink in a day?
A. 8-10
B. 5-7
C. More than 10
D. Less than 5
7. How often do you workout?
A. Everyday
B. Alternate days
C. Once a week
D. I don't remember the last time I worked out
8. Are you happy with your health at the moment?
A. Yes, I'm satisfied
B. Yes, I don't have any other option
C. No, I'm not happy with my health
D. No, and I don't care
9. How would you describe the physical attributes of your parents?
A. My parents are thin
B. My parents are fat
C. My parents are healthy
D. Don't want to answer
10. What are your diet goals?
A. I want to get the perfect ripped body
B. I want to shred my fat
C. I want to have a healthy figure
D. I want to increase muscle
11. Where are you found when it is dinner time?
A. Business Meeting
B. Friends
C. Family
D. At my desk
12. What do you take when you open your fridge?
A. Whatever housekeeper keeps
B. Leftovers
C. Lots of snacks
D. Lots of yogurt
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