Fast and Furious is an American media franchise centered on a series of action films focused on street racing, heists, spies, and family. It tells the story of an undercover cop, Brian (Paul Walker), who infiltrates a street racing team headed by Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel). The Fast & Furious movies are known for their high-end effects which include intense car chase, crazy stunts, and also tons of chaos and destruction. Fast & Furious franchise is known for its focus on family, introducing new relatives and siblings to the main characters. The Toretto family is the heart and soul of the series, with Dom, Letty, and Mia being the central figures, along with their extended family.
1. Where do you spend your all money?
A. Jewellery
B. Party
C. Clothes
D. Cars
2. What do you do if someone calls you in the middle of the night?
A. Try to handle problem over the phone
B. Ignore the call
C. Go and visit them
D. Try to deal the problem later
3. What is the best feature of yours?
A. Wisdom
B. Personality
C. Style
D. Muscles
4. What you are known in your group?
A. Sidekick
B. Planner
C. Leader
D. Comedian
5. Who do you count as a priority in your life?
A. Friends/Family
B. Education
C. Wealth
D. Health
6. What do you like to drink over weekends?
A. Smoothie
B. Wine
C. Soda
D. Beer
7. Which car would you use for the car competition?
A. Nissan Skyline R34
B. Ford Escort RS1600
C. Suki's Honda S2000
D. Dodge "ice Charger"
8. Which profession do you fascinate the most?
A. Racer
B. Pilot
C. Air-hostess
D. Classy thief
9. What color of hair do you like the most?
A. Blonde
B. Red
C. Brown
D. Bald
10. Which is your favorite movie among the following?
A. The Fast and the Furious
B. The Fate of the Furious
C. Fast & Furious 6
D. Fast Five
11. Which word describes your loved one the best?
A. Passionate
B. Strong
C. Selfless
D. Loyal
12. Which place you like to go for holidays?
A. New York City
B. Los Angeles
C. Houston
D. Miami
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