Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a game play developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo for the Nintendo Switch. It was published worldwide by Nintendo. It was initially released on 26 July 2019. It is a single-player mode video game. Three Houses is the sixteenth instalment of the Fire Emblem series. The game is set on the continent of Fodlan, which is divided between three ruling powers at peace. Chinatsu Kurahana was responsible for creating designs and illustrations of the game. In Three Houses, the players control a player character whose gender and name are chosen at the beginning of the game. In the beginning, the player is asked to teach at the Garreg Mach Monastery, which acts as a hub for game activities. During the storyline battles time, the player has a set number of days marked on a calendar, which can be used for a variety of activities from teaching classes and field exercises to planting seeds in the greenhouse and fishing in the pond. The game uses a turn-based battle system through which players take control of a set number of unique units. By default, the role of a player is called Byleth who can be either a male or a female. Three Hopes was released on 24 June, 2022.
1. Which treatment you don’t like?
A. As a child
B. As a mentor
C. As a toy
D. As a rude person
2. What is your birthday month?
A. January
B. February
C. November
D. December
3. Who is your enemy?
A. Ten Elites
B. Giant Bird
C. Wild Demonic Beast
D. Giant Crawler
4. What kind of personality do you have?
A. Shy
B. Rude
C. Kind/ Benevolent
D. Leader
5. What do you want to be?
A. Sword fighter
B. Archer
C. Arch Bishop
D. Edelgard
6. Which is your favorite society?
A. Black Eagles
B. Blue Lions
C. Church of Seiros
D. Golden Deer
7. How is your nature towards others?
A. Rude
B. Ruthless
C. Trustworthy
D. Cannot trust them
8. What don’t you like about others?
A. Treating you as a child
B. Treating you as a second option
C. Treating you as a Leader
D. Treating you as God
9. What color is your hair?
A. Blue
B. White
C. Purple
D. Green
10. What is your favorite drink?
A. Tea
B. Coffee
C. Alcohol
D. Water
11. How is your mood?
A. Shy
B. Calm
C. Lazy
D. Energetic
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