We've all played video games, and we all like how funny they are. Everybody has a favourite video game they like to play. Have you given it any thought as well? But because we frequently make the error of equating real-world occurrences with the characters from our favourite video games, we frequently find ourselves in awkward situations. Among the various television series currently in production, FNF is one of the most well-known programmes to win viewers over. Have you ever considered taking on the role of a TV character? Try out this personality test to find out which character most closely resembles you!
1. How do people describe you?
A. Quiet
B. Sweet
C. Calm
D. Perfect
2. How often do people love your dressing sense?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
3. Who is your favorite hero?
A. Tom Cruise
B. ShahRukh Khan
C. Paul Wesley
D. Sameul L. Jackson
4. How likely can you resolve fights among friends?
A. Very likely
B. Sometimes
C. Oh! Never
D. Equally a yes and no
5. Which one of these would you pick up?
A. Always winning the game
B. Never being blocked out
C. Always getting the winning points
D. getting the premium version for free
6. What is the best time to connect with you?
A. Morning
B. Evening
C. Anytime suits me
D. Oh! Never
7. How many friends do you have?
A. 1-2
B. 3-4
C. 5-6
D. Ohh! I don't even count
8. What is the favorite type of dish you prefer?
A. Pizza
B. French Fries
C. Noodles
D. Momos
9. How likely will you spend time with family?
A. Very likely
B. Somewhat likely
C. Can't say really
D. Not at all
10. What is love as per you?
A. Giving someone priority
B. Making someone feel special
C. Being happy in someone's life
D. Love is not my type
11. How would you rate your dressing sense?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 9
12. How would you rate your sense of humor?
A. 2
B. 9
C. 4
D. 7
13. How would you rate your friendship skills?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10
14. How would you rate your leadership skills?
A. 2.5
B. 5
C. 7.5
D. 10
15. What will you do if your friends don't talk to you?
A. Leave them
B. Will try talking to them over text
C. Will call them frequently
D. I will try my level best to save my friendship
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