Modern satanism has multiple branches to it, each having its own practitioners and believers. The beliefs originate from surpassing the conventionality of believing in the existence of God, which obstructs following the path of personal desires and evil images. For you to know which form of satanism suits you best, we’ve come up with 10 questions enforcing you to think rationally and answer. This quiz will not determine the purpose of your existence, so it’s recommended to not take it very seriously. Now, let’s begin.
1. What are your views on God?
A. He’s the almighty
B. He doesn’t make sense to me
C. He doesn’t exist
D. He wants us to be slaves
2. Do you believe there is an afterlife?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I used to, but now I don’t
D. I used to not, but now I do
3. Which virtue do you tend to possess?
A. Self-control
B. Integrity
C. Courage
D. Compassion
4. To what extent can you go in order to fulfill your personal desires?
A. Hurting others
B. Hurting my own self
C. I don’t wish to value my personal desires
D. I don’t believe in any limits
5. Do you believe in Satan’s existence?
A. I do
B. I don’t
C. I used to
D. I will
6. Do you worship any power?
A. Yes, God
B. Yes, Satan
C. Yes, some other
D. No
7. Have you ever committed a criminal offense?
A. Yes, no one knows it
B. Yes, people know
C. No, but I will
D. No, I will never
8. What do you think about animal sacrifice?
A. There’s no harm in it
B. Even if there’s harm, I don’t care
C. I believe in human sacrifice as well
D. It’s unfair
9. What do you think about hell?
A. It exists, but I need not to worry
B. It exits, but I’m uncertain of my arrival there
C. It exits, and it will surely subject me to sufferings
D. It doesn’t exists
10. Finally, do you follow any form of satanism?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don’t know
D. Prefer not to say
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