Quiz: Which Grade Am I In?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 9858 | Recent Updated: 18-Sep-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Whatever grade you're actually in may not be the grade you should be in. Everyone has different levels of mental growth which should indicate which grade is perfect for you. Do you feel like you should be in a different grade? Are the maths too easy for you? Or are your classmates seem way too childish? Take the quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How old are you?

A. 1-9

B. 10-14

C. 15-19

D. Above 20

2. What is your favorite subject?

A. Geography

B. Astrophysics

C. Art

D. Other

3. Do you know who Martin Luther King is?

A. Of course

B. I think so

C. I read it somewhere but forgot

D. No

4. What is the capital of Germany?

A. Paris

B. Berlin

C. Munich

D. New York

5. What is the square root of 256?

A. 12

B. 2

C. 16

D. I don't know

6. How do you express your anger?

A. I write it down in my journal

B. I talk about it

C. I throw crayons at the person

D. I sulk in my room

7. Do you get afraid by the thought of reading a thick book?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Depends on what book

D. Never

8. What is the coldest place on earth?

A. Canada

B. Antarctica

C. Ice land

D. Russia

9. Do you like being in school?

A. No

B. Not sure

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

10. What grades do you get in school?

A. A+ always

B. B-

C. Sometimes C but mostly B

D. D


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