In the cinematic world full of drama and amusement, we admire many stars that excite our souls by performing. At times we appreciate their dialogue delivery while sometimes their attitude on a situation gets us all intrigued by their personalities. We often try to take a few steps back and look at ourselves, hoping to sense some resemblance to our favorite stars. Taking this quiz will make your task easier by telling which Hollywood hunk you are, so begin.
1. How early do you get up?
A. 5 am
B. 6 am
C. 7 am
D. Not a morning person
2. How often do you work out?
A. Not at all
B. Once a week
C. Twice a week
D. Three or more times in a week
3. How strict are you about your diet?
A. Very strict
B. I am strict but have cheat meals once a week
C. I avoid some foods but don’t have a strict diet plan
D. I don’t manage my diet at all
4. Which one of these is among your fantasies or your favorite?
A. Bungee jumping
B. Sky-diving
C. 50 kg reps
D. Wrestling
5. What type of hair do you like for yourself?
A. Long hairs
B. Short hairs
C. Medium sized silky hairs
D. Bald headed
6. How much do cars attract you?
A. Very much
B. Only expensive ones
C. Only vintage
D. Not at all
7. What kind of movies do you love?
A. Villain is from outer space
B. Theft and robbery
C. Lots of cars involved
D. Mission oriented
8. How emotional you are?
A. Very much
B. Occasionally
C. Not at all
D. Don’t know
9. How funny are you?
A. I am the comedy king of my group
B. I am funny on some occasions
C. I am too shy to speak in groups
D. I am a serious person
10. What do you wish to become if you were blessed with a particular talent?
A. Action hero
B. Romantic hero
C. Singer
D. Singer
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