The Winter season is preferred by a lot of people. The season has amazing trends in fashion! Do you also want to look great in fashion? Do you also want to get great compliments from people about your fashion? Do you really want to outlook the best? Do you really want to know which winter coat would really suit you based on your personality? Then, try out this quiz and you'll get to know about the best winter coat for you!
1. Do you like to wear coats in a simpler way or casual way?
A. Kinda loose
B. Classy coats
C. Casual Way
D. Simple ones
2. Where do you mostly wear coats?
A. Everywhere
B. Parties
C. In a casual way
D. To feel comfortable
3. Do you generally get compliments from people?
A. Yes, in every party
B. Yeah, my cool style is complimented enough
C. My simple look attracts people
D. The way my casual look is few of them adore
4. What would you say about your style?
A. Simple
B. Cool
C. Casual
D. Classy
5. Do you like to experiment with your style?
A. Yes, classy looks are great to try
B. Trying casual looks is best
C. No, my simple look is good for me
D. Yeah comfy clothes experiments are great
6. Which kind of person you are?
A. A morning working person
B. A night person partying
C. A person who likes to go out casually
D. Cool person who works and enjoys too
7. Do you like to travel in winter?
A. No, I am good at my place
B. Yeah Casually
C. I take a lot of holidays
D. Just once in a month
8. Where do you spend most weekends?
A. Parties
B. Maybe out with friends or at home
C. On my favorite couch at home
D. Casually go out
9. Do you consider yourself a fashionable or non-fashionable person?
A. Totally fashionable
B. A happy medium between the two
C. Non- fashionable
D. I just consider myself cool
10. Are you a mountain person or a beach person in winter?
A. Totally mountain person
B. Kinda Both
C. Nothing
D. Totally a beach person
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