JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is the story of the Joestar family, who are possessed with intense psychic strength, and the adventures each member encounters throughout their lives. It is about the multiple generations of the Joestar family fighting powerful and menacing villains in a battle that spans many years and colorful locations around the world. With the help of his stand Star Platinum, Jotaro is by far one of the strongest characters in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Its first episode was aired on 6 October 2012 and directed by Naokatsu Tsuda; Kenichi Suzuki. They feed on vampires, using the energy to stay alive for tens of thousands of years. This category collects all characters featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and related media.
1. Which word describe best about your personality?
A. Laid back
B. Innocent
C. Confident
D. Mysterious
2. Which scent do you prefer to use the most?
A. Musky
B. Fruity
C. Fresh
D. Cologne
3. How do you react if your partner is bullied by a guy?
A. Get fussy
B. Attack and slap him
C. Silently ignore
D. Ask to apologize as its disrespectful
4. What do others think is a bad trait in you?
A. Hot Headed
B. Get attached
C. Violent
D. Rude
5. Which of the following places is your most loved?
A. Sonic
B. Chipotle
C. Wendy's
D. McDonald's
6. Which song you like to hear the most?
A. Make You Mine
B. Replay
C. Daylight
D. Boyfriend
7. Which character from the series is your favorite?
A. Jonathan Joestar
B. Noriaki Kakyoin
C. Ermes Costello
D. Robert Speedwagon
8. What kind of music do you like the most?
A. Hymns
B. Pop Radio
C. Beatles
D. Instrumentals
9. Which place would you choose to live?
A. Florida
B. Italy
C. France
D. Egypt
10. Which movie would be your choice for a movie night?
A. Twilight
B. Purple Rain
C. Stuart Little
D. Bug's Life
11. What type of beverages do you prefer over weekends?
A. Juice
B. Alcohol
C. Soda
D. Coffee
12. What type of food can change your mood?
A. Ice Cream
B. Spaghetti
C. Cherries
D. Pizza
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