You must have seen a lot of girls having a great fashion sense that you might love. You've probably loved their style and might love it too. You must be thinking can I ever too rock this style the way they do efficiently. But have you ever thought which type of vintage girl are you? You must be keen to know can you ever be called stylish enough and might be a fashion icon one day? Try out this quiz and you might find the answer to the question which kind of vintage girl are you?
1. Which word describes you the best?
A. Confident
B. Kind
C. Perfect
D. Experimental
2. In your friend circle, what role do you play?
A. Mother
B. Leader
C. Humourous
D. Helping Hand
3. How do you think your friends might describe you?
A. Sassy Queen
B. Adorable
C. Prettiest
D. Whatta Girl
4. Which trait of yours do you feel to work on?
A. Confidence
B. Fashion
C. Arrogance
D. Carelessness
5. How attractive do you find yourself on a scale of 1-15?
A. 14.5
B. 10
C. 12
D. 13
6. Do you think you might give good advice?
A. No, I can't
B. Well yes
C. Maybe not sure
D. Umm depends on the problem
7. Do you think you are a high maintenance person?
A. No, I am good
B. Somewhat high
C. A happy medium the two
D. Yes, I am a big one
8. Which of the following items you can't live without?
A. Makeup
B. Cellphone
C. Books
D. Television
9. What do you do in your free time?
A. Work
B. Cook
C. Go Shopping
D. Television
10. How long do you take to get ready in the morning?
A. 3 hours
B. Depends on where am I going
C. I am always ready
D. Less than 10 minutes
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